The Best Networking In Boston

Every week, the Innovation Nights newsletter comes out with our 3-5 picks for the top events (not always the biggest) of the coming week or  events coming up that you may need to register for in advance.  This listing is one of our contributions to the area’s innovation economy.  Two of the most common questions we get are “Where do you get event information?” and “What are the best networking events in Boston?”  While we often get emails directly from event organizers, here’s how you can find out what’s happening in the Boston market on your own.

Start off by checking out these website calendars and event aggregators:

Visit these organizations and check out their events for topics, speakers and panels that interest you:

Make it your practice to regularly visit the websites of the vertical industry organizations and groups you belong to and look at the newsletters they issue.  Figure out whom in your circle regularly tweets or blogs about upcoming events.  Haunt the LinkedIn groups and review the events posted there.

Where else do you go for event information?  Care to share?

2 Responses to “The Best Networking In Boston”

  1. Jason says:

    Thanks for the mention, Bobbie!

    One of the things we take great pride in at Greenhorn Connect is that we’re out at all these events and so we make recommendations of only the best events in the community in our weekly newsletter (sign up here:

    We make it easy to never miss a great event and also avoid those frustrating events that just waste your precious time.


  2. […] do you go to meet people?”  “What are the good events?”  So I created a blog post, a list, The Best Networking in Boston.  I point people to Greenhorn Connect, VentureFizz or MassHighTech’s calendars.  And still the […]