Even though we had a nice little convivial group at Innovation Breakfast this morning, I think we spent more time talking about the previous evening’s Innovation Potluck, held at the Venture Cafe in Cambridge’s Kendall Square.
Our latest Innovation event was designed as a purely social event for entrepreneurs and innovators who work in small groups or out of their homes often feel the lack of a large group of co-workers at the holidays when seemingly everyone else is out celebrating the season. Sometimes your brain needs a little fun so you can come up with your next innovative idea. It was also a “thank you” to the terrific community who have been so generous with their time and energy, helping out each other.
And, admittedly, a little crazy fun…
Thank-yous! First to Carrie and the whole Venture Cafe team! Thanks for welcoming us into your space, and not asking too many questions about what we had planned. Big thanks to McCarter & English who bought BBQ (Blue Ribbon BBQ no less) for everyone. HUGE thanks to my sidekick for the night, Corey Turner. (Corey, without you, it would have been a tough night!) Thanks to MemoryOnHand for their help (and some cool prizes!) To Sidi and ParellelCity for helping to connect everyone. To Reed who supplied awesome Ginger Cookies (labeled NO NUTS, safe for Bobbie, who is deathly allergic to nuts). To all the folks who brought goodies to share. To BookBlunder and friends who help drag everything down to the car, and Greg who helped drag it upstairs and showed us how to operate the service elevator. To Arlington Bait who supplied the entertainment. (Yeah, you read that right…bait shop — the entertainment.) If you missed it, enjoy! (A shout-out here to my friends at Tyler Place Family Resort who regularly hold “more professional” minnow races. For you winter sports sorts, also check out their year-round Vermont inn and restaurant, Red Clover.)
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[…] out Bobbie’s post, including a video of the MINNOw races (yes, actual fish […]