Where do You Find Funding Info?

Tweet This is a continuing report from the weekly Innovation Breakfast.  Once again, conversations ended up touching on funding (among other things.)  One of the reasons we started the Funding Friday (#ff$) conversations on Twitter… This morning’s conversation at Innovation Breakfast touched...

Breakfast Discussion: Funding While Working

Tweet We started off the day thinking about bootstrapping.  The early conversations at Innovation Breakfast were about bootstrapping but we were quickly sidetracked with conversations about individual entrepreneurial ventures.  (This is a great group to get feedback from if you are working on the early...

Breakfast Discussion: Funding Flexibility

Tweet Every week we have some fascinating conversations at Innovation Breakfast.  We do introductions, and get to know you and your company but the far-ranging discussions on the industry are among the most compelling reasons to come out to Waltham for coffee on Friday mornings.  In keeping with...

The Funding Friday Concept

Tweet For the last several weeks, we’ve been meeting with small groups at the Cafe on the Common in Waltham for Friday morning chats and to see what connections we can make for folks.  There’s been a continuing theme:  money…it makes the world go round and sometimes, just a little...